Final Fantasy Taverne

  • Also so ganz stimmt die Aussage in dem deutschen Artikel nicht, hier das Originalpost:

    Once again, we would like to thank you all for your participation and support during the Closed Beta. We will continue to take your valuable feedback into consideration as we develop the game during Open Beta and even beyond the official release.

    Now I would like to take a moment to respond to the many questions and opinions regarding the manner in and rates at which experience and skill points are obtained in Beta 3.

    Firstly, the concept for FINAL FANTASY XIV was to design a system of character progression that offers meaningful advancement for those with limited time to dedicate to playing. We did not want to create a game that forced people to play for hours on end to see their efforts rewarded. To that end, in addition to the Guardian's Aspect and guildleve systems, we introduced a means of apportioning swifter advancement to shorter periods of play.

    In order to achieve this balance, we calculated a value for the amount of skill or experience points that could be earned in a one-hour period. This theoretical value represents an hour spent engaged solely in combat, levequests, or any other activities that earn skill or experience points, and sets a threshold delimiting how many of these points can be earned in a period of play.

    Based on this, we have implemented a “threshold value” concept. These thresholds are regulated by a one-week timer that begins counting down the instant you earn skill/experience points. After a week has passed, the thresholds will reset, and the moment skill/experience points are earned again, the timer begins counting down anew.

    For the first eight thresholds during this week-long period, players will receive skill/experience points at the maximum rate possible. The actual amount of time spent reaching these thresholds is not significant. That is to say, a player who exceeds eight hours of gameplay will still be rewarded the maximum amount of skill/experience points, so long as the total amount earned is below the eighth threshold value. For the subsequent seven thresholds, players will earn skill/experience points at a gradually decreasing rate, eventually reaching a rate of zero.

    It is worth noting, however, that the reduced rate will also gradually recover while players are engaged in activities that do not yield skill/experience points. In this manner, it is possible for the threshold value to reset completely, even before the completion of the one-week timer.

    Any skill points earned in excess of the threshold maximum—that is, at a rate of zero—will be stored as "bonus skill points." These are specific to each class, so players limited to earning bonus skill points still have the freedom to change classes and begin earning skill points again at the maximum rate, allowing their reduced skill rates to recover in the meantime.

    The experience point threshold, however, is unrelated to class, and switching classes will have no effect on the decreasing rate of earnable experience.

    This is how the progression system currently works.

    This system was not introduced in Beta 3, but has been in place since the beginning of beta testing. There are several reasons why many people believe that these features were only recently implemented:

    - Leading into Beta 3, operation hours were extended, making it possible to play more often during the span of a week.
    - To encourage players to form guidleve parties in Beta 3, skill and experience point rewards for guildleves were significantly increased.
    - The process that reduced the amount of skill/experience points awarded for weak enemies attacking in groups was unintentionally removed at the start of Beta 3. (This issue has been addressed.)

    That last reason in particular was the biggest cause for players running up against the threshold penalty, with characters earning far more skill/experience points than we anticipated. We also faced an issue where we were simultaneously unable to adjust the amount earned for guildleves as well as the effects of crossing each threshold.

    We sincerely apologize for the lack of explanation and our failure to make the necessary adjustments in the game.

    The threshold values are being reexamined, and we plan to further adjust the different rates of earnable points based on feedback from our testers. One of the top issues we are looking at right now is fixing the excessively rapid drop after crossing the eighth threshold. We also plan to improve experience point reduction rates, even more so than for skill points, considering the threshold is unaffected when changing class.

    At the very least, we can promise that players won't be running into the threshold penalty in the same short time span as they did in the beginning of Beta 3.

    We would like to take this opportunity to also explain the following issues.

    The diminishing results experienced during gathering are a function related to that class alone, and have no connection to this progression system. We are in the process of adjusting this system, and plan to make changes based on tester feedback.

    We are currently in the process of considering the means in which bonus skill points can be used. There have been suggestions for various types of incentives, but as encouraging people to play with that in mind defeats the purpose of this threshold system, we will be examining this issue very carefully.

    These are not the only adjustments we have planned for Open Beta. As mentioned previously, we are looking into increasing the amount of skill points earned when fighting in a party, and we look forward to seeing your input on these changes.

    Last of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in releasing a developer's comment due to my recent attendance to Gamescom. The article based on my interview during that trip, coupled with conjecture, outdated information, and some misunderstandings on overseas websites, only added to the confusion. In the future, I hope to avoid similar problems by responding directly through official developer's comments as often as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

    See you in the Open Beta Testing!

    Nobuaki Komoto

    Ceterum censeo Russiam esse delendam! (Marcus Porcius Cato, 234-149 v. Chr.)

  • Zitat

    Original von golani79
    lol ... das ist ja wohl lächerlich.

    Da bezahlt man monatliche Gebühren und nach 15 Wochenstunden, kann man, grob gesagt, das Spiel nicht mehr im vollen Umfang nutzen.

    ist für mich einer der haupt gründe das spiel nicht zu kaufen.
    auch wenn das limit wohl höchstens 2-3 mal im Jahr erreichen würde.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    wobei der link von roushinu interessant klingt. anscheinend gibts ja für leute, die auf niedrigeren exp-ratios spielen andere boni ...

    und mal ehrlich: jedes Final Fantasy-Spiel (ich red hier von den offline-spielen, weil ich nicht MMO zocke) hatte bisher ein anderes Steiger- und Skillsystem .. und jedesmal hab ich mir gedacht "ob das gut get?"

    mal die herausstechendsten:
    FF5 -> Berufe wechseln ist möglich, alte Skills bleiben erhalten, "geheime" Berufe.
    FF7 -> Materias kombinieren, um den Char zum Krieger, Magier, Heiler, etc. zu machen.
    FF8 -> Zaubersprüche müssen von Gegnern gestohlen werden!
    FF10 -> keine normalen Levels mehr, sondern Sphere-Grid! Keine EXP!
    FF12 -> auch ein komisches Grid zum steigern (hab aber noch nicht lang genug gespielt).
    FF13 -> Wieder ein Steigergrid, und keine EXP im herkömmlichen Sinne.

  • Ich bin gerade dabei 2 Guides für die Sammlerberufe zu machen:


    Beide Guides sind von mir auch im Forum von
    zu finden.


    Ceterum censeo Russiam esse delendam! (Marcus Porcius Cato, 234-149 v. Chr.)

  • Final Fantasy XIII: So grad is der Abspann übern Bildschirm geflackert. Insgesamt 45h Spielzeit, wirklich super Game, leider ist die Story zum Ende hinaus etwas eingeschlafen.

    PS: Das mit der zusätzliches Episode für Japan ist wohl ein Übersetzungsfehler. Die zusätzliche Episode ist nämlich nur eine Kurzgeschichte (zum lesen ;)), aber nix spielbares.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eine Frage für die Freaks hier:

    In Final Fantasy VI nachdem man in dem Kampfanzug am Anfang (Ende des ersten Dungeons) die "Schnecke" besiegt hat und dann im Haus aufwacht und der alte Mann einem zur Flucht verhilft. Wie heißt das Lied das dort im Haus gespielt wird?

    Ich würd gern nach nem netten Remix suchen, was ohne den Namen aber schwierig ist.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    hier die titel der piano collection, vielleicht findest du es ja so:

    01 - Terra
    02 - Gau
    03 - kefka
    04 - Spinach Rag
    05 - Stragus
    06 - The Mystic Forest
    07 - Kids Run Through the City Corner
    08 - Johnny C. Bad
    09 - Mystery Train
    10 - The Decisive Batle
    11 - Coin Song
    12 - Celes
    13 - Waltz de Chocobo

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Ashgard
    FF XIV ist 1 Tag vor Release eingetroffen, spielen ging aber ;)

    Bin auf Server Lindblum, Charname: Dogbar Stahlklinge, Marodeur

    Ich geb dem Ding, wie fast jedem MMO, auch ne Chance. Schreib meinen Char Namen rein sobald erstellt.

    Hast du Erfahrung mit FF11 gesammelt? Wenn ja, dürfte ich dich für eine Einstiegshilfe anlabern wenn du on bist? :)

    Danke dir. Hab die Collection durchgehört und es ist nicht dabei, deshalb mein Verzweiflungspost hier ;)

  • Zitat

    Original von Corv
    Eine Frage für die Freaks hier:

    In Final Fantasy VI nachdem man in dem Kampfanzug am Anfang (Ende des ersten Dungeons) die "Schnecke" besiegt hat und dann im Haus aufwacht und der alte Mann einem zur Flucht verhilft. Wie heißt das Lied das dort im Haus gespielt wird?

    Ich würd gern nach nem netten Remix suchen, was ohne den Namen aber schwierig ist.

    Die Szene sollte das sein?

    Und nee, keine Ahnung, habs nicht mal gspielt ich wollt nur wissen ob mir der Song gfällt.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tenchuu

    Die Szene sollte das sein?

    Und nee, keine Ahnung, habs nicht mal gspielt ich wollt nur wissen ob mir der Song gfällt.

    Jep das ists. Dass die Idioten drüber quatschen hilft natürlich nicht ;)

    Die Melodie ist wirklich gut (nicht die ersten paar Sekunden). Deshalb denke ich dass ein Remake eines Fans wirklich super sein könnte.