WTF!! gestern hab ich mir das Mappack gekauft, und heute bin ich gebanned worden!!!
Was gehtn da ab?
mMn hab File-mismatch und wurde daraufhin gebanned O_o
******************Set External IP******************
Our external IP is
Our internal IP is
Sent to LSP: HELLO: LSPXUID 110000100a053c3 - GT ">>`Tobler51"
- MID 0 - HD "yes" - WS "no" - BTN "buttons_default" - STK
Ignoring asset 'muteplayer' of type menu, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/' of type
menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Successfully mapped external port 28960 to internal port 28960
Setting our NAT to Open
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_texture' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_defaults' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_multi' of type menu, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_video' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_advanced_video' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'apply_picmip_popmenu' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_audio' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_controls' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_voice' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'team_marinesopfor' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/' of
type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'class' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp
and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/' of type menufile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Steam denied login, reason 5
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'animtrees/destructibles.atr' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Cheat detected.
Also ich komm mir jetz ganzschön verarscht vor :O
Hab denen mal ne Meldung geschickt, die sollen zuschaun, dass sie das "Problem" baldigst wieder beheben -.-
boah, $%§$%&§$